Virtual Learning Support

Virtual Learning can be challenging for students and parents. We help our students with both content and pacing.
Virtual Learning Support
Social distance requirements related to the coronavirus pandemic have forced most schools to convert to remote learning. While these unprecedented times require flexibility in how we live our daily lives, the switch to a virtual academic setting can be particularly challenging for some students, especially those who struggle with learning differences, executive function deficiencies, and dyslexia.
For these students – and even those with advanced organizational skills and self-motivation – the absence of a structured school day and reliance on independent study creates unique challenges.
In addition, for parents unfamiliar with online learning platforms, it can be frustrating to try and monitor their child’s progress. Parents also report difficulty scheduling regular study times and adherence to those schedules.
Content and Organization
At Randi Weinbach Academic Coaching, we help students adapt to this new virtual learning style, meet homework requirements, and succeed with evaluations and assignments. Randi and her team work one-on-one with students at regularly scheduled times – from once per week to multiple times per week.
Each virtual learning session mirrors an in-person academic coaching session to teach specific content learning strategies and includes a customized agenda to meet each student’s organizational needs.
To schedule a remote learning session with Randi or one of her colleagues, click here to submit an inquiry form.