Services & Rates
Private Academic Coaching (In-Person at our Office, Virtual, or In-Home)
Support tailored to each student’s particular academic needs. Sessions address current assignments, test preparation, and planning – always with an overarching focus on improving executive function to form productive lifelong habits.
Required Initial Consultation with student and parent, 1 hour - $180
Private Coaching, 1 hour - $110
Half-hour of Private Coaching - $60
In-home Academic Coaching, 1 hour - $130
Semi-Private Academic Coaching (In-Person)
Students work with an academic coach on an individualized basis. Support is provided in overall organization, task-completion, study skills, and reading comprehension strategies to improve academics.
Required Initial Consultation with student and parent, 1 hour - $180
Semi-Private Coaching, small group, 1 hour - $90 (Students may extend their visits to 1-1/2 to 2 hours when necessary, and fees are billed at the corresponding hourly rate.)
Subject-Area Tutoring
In addition to Randi’s academic coaching services, certified and experienced teachers are available in all core subject areas to provide one-on-one instruction to students in all grade levels, including those in Advanced Placement and college-level courses.
Starting at $110/hour (depending on level)
Support For Virtual Learning
Assistance for students enrolled in online learning programs, such as MSO, Florida Virtual School (FLVS) and the University of Florida’s PACE Program. Support for online learning provides much-needed structure, helps students stay on track, and complete their courses in a realistic time-frame.
Executive Function Assessment
This initial assessment may include a parent interview, student interview, evaluation of executive functioning across eight key skills, learning style inventory, motivational style inventory, academic assessment, and IEP/504 plan review (if applicable). The assessment also includes a follow-up meeting and written recommendations for home-based and school-based modifications and interventions to meet each student’s learning needs.
IEP Advocacy and School Meetings
Assistance, support, and advocacy to ensure your child’s 504 plan and/or individual education plan (IEP) meets their needs. Services include meeting with school staff, ensuring appropriate accommodations are provided, accessing additional services from the school or district.
Psycho-educational Review & Accommodation Plan
Formal recommendations for students, parents, and teachers for those who have completed a psycho-educational evaluation in the areas of intelligence (IQ), academic achievement, attention, cognitive efficiency, language processing, visual processing, memory and learning. The written recommendations include all possible academic accommodations, such as extended time on assignments, a distraction-free area for taking assessments, alternative assessment options, note-sharing, etc.
Additional Services provided as needed by experienced and certified educators and counselors:
Private School Entrance Exam Test Prep
SAT and ACT Test Preparation
College Entrance Support & Counseling
College Essay Writing Support
School Placement Consultations
School Program Consultations
Starting at $150/hour